APEX Games has received significant orders from Hara’s Cherokee Casino Resort and Hara’s Cherokee Valley River. APEX Games have been rewarded with outstanding service, extensive product range, great jackpot island solutions, and a pure will to support Hara’s Cherokee team to the fullest in bringing the latest innovations to customers.

The business relationship started in 2016 when Harra’s management was looking for ways to better manage its live gaming tables. “It all started with finding cash management solutions for live gaming tables. JL Drapeau of Apogee Gaming introduced us to APEX games for the first time. When he said he had solutions for table gaming, we had our ears perked up,” remembered Ron Hager, head of table gaming at Harra’s Cheroki Casino Resort. Mr. Hager had a very specific requirement. “The APEX team wanted to know how they could solve our problems. The APEX team listened to our problems and offered to find solutions, then worked quickly and professionally for further development at iDrop to make sure we had exactly what we needed. This generated iDrope. We literally issue millions of promotional coupons every year. Our customers had to wait in line at cages to exchange these. This is a thing of the past because our customers are able to redeem coupons directly at the live gaming table.” When asked about the performance of the iDrope unit, Mr. Hager said, “We are very happy. The iDrope unit is exceeding our expectations.”

Brent Younce, regional general performance manager at Harrah’s Cherrokey, explained how important the service is. “JL Drapeau and his team are outstanding supportive of us. They are always receptive, looking for ways to advance our game suggestions. Every question or problem has always been answered and resolved in a fast and professional way. It’s great to work with them. We can truly rely on the APEX team. We have more than 20 slot vendors here. We constantly measure their performance. We have worked with most of them over the years. APEX is a relatively new supplier, and in a short period of time, it has become a true milestone for us and the most reliable supplier of significant value.

APEX Games has received orders to offer its wide range of products. This includes all three versions of the award-winning Jackpot Island: Big Island, Round Edition, and Wall Edition. In fact, Hara’s Cherokee will be the first casino in North America to feature Wall Edition with Clover Link games. As the jackpot game has taken the gaming world by storm this year, Clover Link will soon become a buzzword for players. Players of Hara’s Cherokee can also expect more APEX Player Station electronic roulette. Individual Pinnacle slots are also included in the order, as well as the Pinnacle VIP Edition.

Joshua Vaught is the director of slot and table gaming operations at the Cherokee Valley River in Harah. He added, “It’s not often that a new vendor has such a positive impact on the gaming industry. We’ve seen this in APEX games. APEX has become a must-have on the casino floor.”

JL Drapeau, general manager of Apogee Gaming and APEX partner in North America, compared the company’s philosophy: “At APEX, we strive to take gaming to the next level by providing the best gaming, cabinets, jackpot editions, and live gaming solutions. Harrah’s Cherrokey’s team is enjoying the game live. They’re trying harder to make sure their guests are treated like kings or queens. We both have the same goal of providing the best solutions and support.”

The order marks a major breakthrough not only in Harrah’s Cherrokey, but also in the United States as a whole. Operators across North America will note how much difference APEX games can make.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire team of Brent, Joshua, Ron, and Harah’s Herokey. Their sense of business, openness, and desire to do their best to ensure continued success at Harah’s Herokey is clear. They quickly recognized the difference we could make, and were fully focused on making APEX a familiar name to their customers. This order has now firmly established us on the North American game map. I’m already looking forward to next year’s G2E. I also want to thank the entire Apogee Team, especially JL Drapeau and Justin Reece, for their incredible focus and special relationship with our customers to ensure success entering the North American market. This has been a real team effort. “APEX gaming has truly arrived in the United States now,” said Kubilay Ozer, global sales director at APEX gaming.

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